Dr.Power  II Dr.Power  II Dr.Power  II Dr.Power  II Dr.Power  II Dr.Power  II
Dr.Power  II

Dr.Power II


Designed from the ground-up, it supports every ATX power supply available today up to ATX12V v2.3

- Designed from the ground-up, it supports every ATX power supply available today up to ATX12V v2.3.
- Oversized LCD panel that accurately shows the value of each specific power rails (within one-tenth of a volt).
- Accurate voltage indicating for +12V/+5V/+3.3V/5VSB/-12V.
- Built-in output connectors diagnostic system, low-voltage, high-voltage, no voltage, PG alarm systems.
- Easily troubleshoots system failure due to unstable power supply.
- Built-in alarm system to identify user when the power supply demonstrates abnormal characteristic.

P/N AC0015

User Manual

  • ファイル名
  • 概要
  • サイズ
  • Version
  • Release Date