Thermaltake Pacific W4 Plus CPU Water Block
16.8百万色のLEDリング、12個のアドレス指定可能なLED、9つのLEDライティングモードが搭載されており、Riing Plus RGBソフトウェアで制御できます。0.15mmの内部フィン構造、耐腐食性ニッケルメッキが施された銅製ベース、高品質なPMMAカバー、エラーのない工具不要のインストールを提供するユニバーサルマウント機構が特徴です。G1/4フィッティングに対応し、Pacific W4 Plusは冷却性能の究極を提供するとともに、カスタムPCビルダーにとって極めて高い互換性を誇ります。

* All images are for reference only; actual specification and lighting effects are based on the real product.
Tt LCS認証は、Thermaltakeがすべてのパワーユーザーに対して、極限の液体冷却構成と最適に互換性のあるシャーシを示すために作成されました。これにより、最高の性能と機能、適合性を提供する製品を選ぶことができます。


* All images are for reference only; actual specification and lighting effects are based on the real product.


Pacific W4 Plusウォーターブロックは、0.15mmのマイクロチャネルフィン構造を採用したコンパクトなフォームファクターで設計されており、最適な冷却液の流れと極限の熱拡散を実現します。

Pacific W4 Plusは、最新CPUソケットに対応しています。これにより、エンスージアストは美観面でも優れた水冷システムを構築でき、さらに将来的なモジュラーケースのアップグレードにも対応可能です。

* All images are for reference only; actual specification and lighting effects are based on the real product.
TT RGB PLUS Software
2.0 - New version of Thermaltake’s TT RGB PLUS patented software, providing more lighting effects and PC monitoring functions.
1.0 - Thermaltake’s patented software to synchronize TT RGB PLUS products with addressable LEDs.
Caution: TT RGB PLUS 2.0 and TT RGB PLUS 1.0 will overwrite one another; users can only install one version of TT RGB PLUS.

Sync with Razer Chroma Lighting
All Thermaltake TT RGB PLUS products are able to connect into the Razer Chroma ecosystem, Razer Synapse 3. Users can experience synchronized gaming and RGB lighting effects on their TT RGB PLUS liquid cooling system and Razer gaming gear!

Works with Amazon Alexa
All Thermaltake TT RGB PLUS products support Amazon Alexa Voice Service, allowing you to give voice commands to Alexa-enabled devices.

Thermaltake recommends the following steps to be taken before using the Pacific series radiators and water blocks:
- To ensure a clean loop, flush and rinse your radiators and water blocks with distilled water prior to use.
- Do not use tap water or distilled water as your coolant, it may harm your loop and reduce performance.
- It is strongly recommended to use market-proven pre-mix coolant, such as Thermaltake Coolant 1000, which offers great performance while protecting the entire liquid loop from corrosion.
- Before storing your water cooling components, please clean, rinse, and dry. This will ensure a longer lifespan for your components.
Thermaltake recommends the following steps to be taken after completing your water loop setup:
- It is strongly recommended to use market-proven pre-mix coolant, such as Thermaltake Coolant 1000, which offers great performance while preventing corrosion in the entire cooling system (copper, brass, nickel, aluminum, and steel).
- Fill the reservoir with coolant and cycle the power on and off several times while the pump pushes the coolant into the loop.
- DO NOT let the pump run dry. If no liquid is entering the pump, turn off your power immediately.
- Fill the reservoir to the top to prevent air from entering the pump.
- If necessary, tilt the system slightly from side to side to bleed the air out of the loop.
- Place paper towels under fittings and joining points to test for leaks.
- Run the loop with the fill port open for about 24 hours to completely bleed the air out of the loop.
- Before starting, flush out your system properly to prevent any coolant or unwanted particles from sticking to your tubes, radiators, and other cooling components.
- Coolant might fade over time.