120mmのPWM制御ファン、16.8百万色に対応するアドレッサブルLEDリングを搭載しています。5VのRGB対応マザーボードに対応しており、カスタマイズ可能なライティングエフェクトを提供します。 ...
120mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million color addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB capable...
120mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million color addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB capable...
140mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million color addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB capable...
140mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million color addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB capable...
200mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million colors addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB cap...
120mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million colors addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB cap...
140mm PWM controlled fan with a 16.8 million colors addressable LED ring that supports 5V RGB cap...
120mm PWM controlled fan with a patented 256-color LED ring and support for motherboard RGB software...