A LCS combo unit includes PETG tubes, fittings and other accessories.
A LCS combo unit includes PETG tubes, fittings, C1000 Opaque coolant, and other accessories.
A LCS combo unit includes PETG tubes, fittings, C1000 Opaque coolant, and other accessories.
カスタム水冷製品「Pacific」シリーズのオールインワンキット。Pacific RL360ラジエーター、PET-G Tube同封モデル。
LCS combo unit with CPU waterblock, PR22-D5 pump/reservoir, 240mm radiator, Riing 12 Red fans, PETG tube, C1000 Opaque coolant and other accessories.
A LCS combo unit includes water block, PR15 pump and reservoir, 120mm radiator, fittings, PWM curve fan, tube, coolant, and other accessories.
Including water block, PR15-D5 pump/reservoir, 140mm radiator, fittings, Luna 14 LED blue fan, tube, coolant, and other accessories.