Bending kit designed for ID 10mm x OD 12mm hard tube, including mandrels, cord, reamer, and cutter.
A LCS combo unit includes PETG tubes, fittings and other accessories.
The V-Tubler PETG Tube 500mm OD 12 mm rigid tubing for custom PC water cooling configurations.
The V-Tubler PETG Tube 1000mm OD 12 mm rigid tubing for custom PC water cooling configurations.
G1/4 thread flow indicator makes it easy to visually check your flow of the system.
A LCS combo unit includes PETG tubes, fittings, C1000 Opaque coolant, and other accessories.
A LCS combo unit includes PETG tubes, fittings, C1000 Opaque coolant, and other accessories.
High quality PMMA VGA block bridge for the connection of two graphics cards water blocks, supporting Pacific V-GTX 9 Series V2 and 10 Series VGA water blocks.
High quality PMMA VGA block bridge for the connection of two graphics cards water blocks, supporting Pacific V-GTX 9 Series V2 and 10 Series VGA water blocks.
300ml reservoir and MCP50 pump combo unit
カスタム水冷製品「Pacific」シリーズのオールインワンキット。Pacific RL360ラジエーター、PET-G Tube同封モデル。