Transparent full-cover water block for ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1080 Ti, constructed with CNC machined copper base and high quality PMMA top.
Transparent full-cover water block for NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 Ti, constructed with CNC machined copper base and high quality PMMA top.
0.15mmの内部フィン構造と高品質なPMMAカバーを採用したPacific W3は、最高の冷却性能を提供します。
High quality POM VGA block bridge for the connection of two graphics cards water blocks
High quality POM VGA block bridge for the connection of three graphics cards water blocks
High quality POM VGA block bridge for the connection of four graphics cards water blocks
The Pacific V-GTX 980 VGA Water Block is constructed with CNC machined copper base and high quality POM top, only for ASUS Strix-GTX 980.
The Pacific V-GTX 970 VGA Water Block is constructed with CNC machined copper base and high quality POM top, only for ASUS Strix-GTX 970.
CPU接地面を最適化し、高い熱伝達性と耐食性を誇るカスタム水冷製品「Pacific」シリーズ用のウォーターブロック「Pacific W1」