80 PLUS Platinum認証を取得した電源ユニットで、120mmの高静圧ファン搭載しています。
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular PSU with Hydraulic Bearing fan.
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular PSU with Hydraulic Bearing fan.
80 PLUS Titanium certified fully modular PSU with 140mm Pulse Width Modulation fan.
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular analog PSU with 16.8million-color, 18-LED RGB fan. Please note ...
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular analog PSU with 16.8million-color, 18-LED RGB fan. Please note ...
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular analog PSU with 16.8million-color,18-LED RGB fan.
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular analog PSU with 16.8million-color,18-LED RGB fan.
80 PLUS Gold certified fully modular analog PSU with 16.8million-color,18-LED RGB fan.
80 PLUS Gold 認証を取得した電源ユニットで、140mmの冷却ファンを搭載しています。