表示方法 リスト


  1. TOUGHLIQUID Ultra 280 RGBは、ビデオや写真、さらにはローカルの天気や時刻を表示できる2.1インチ回転式LCDディスプレイを搭載しています。 さらに、TOUGHFAN 14 RGBファンを採用したことで、高い静音性と冷却性能を実現。
  2. Floe Ultra 240/360 RGB AIO クーラーは、強い冷却性能を提供し、ライティング効果とGIF画像を同時に楽しめることを目指しております。より鮮明に映え、優れた冷却性を兼ね備えている逸品です。
  3. The Pacific PR12-D5 Plus has newly designed mounting stands that ensures further stability while holding the 250 ml reservoir. The rotary cap design provides easy water loop options and delivers 16.8 million illumination of color and is supported by the TT RGB Plus Software.
  4. 2.1インチのLCDディスプレイを搭載し、CPUの温度やファンの速度などのシステム情報だけでなく、お気に入りの画像や、GIF動画を表示させることも可能です。TOUGHFAN 12 Turboを採用したことで、高い静音性と冷却性能を実現。
  5. 2.1インチのLCDディスプレイを搭載し、CPUの温度やファンの速度などのシステム情報だけでなく、お気に入りの画像や、GIF動画を表示させることも可能です。TOUGHFAN 12 Turboを採用したことで、高い静音性と冷却性能を実現。
  6. An RGB designed waterblock for ASUS ROG STRIX RTX 3070 graphic card that supports the TT RGB PLUS software, which not only cools down your GPU but brings out the best visual effects on your build.
  7. Newly designed mounting stands ensured further stability while holding the 400 ml reservoir. The rotary cap design provides easy water looping options and delivers 16.8 million illumination colors, which is supported by TT RGB Plus Software.
  8. A 52.2mm tall copper base CPU water block is uniquely structured with a mirror finish top cover, which becomes transparent once the RGB lights shine under, showing our TT logo and delivering 16.8 million colors of illumination which is supported by TT RGB Plus Software.
  9. 0.15mmの内部フィン構造、耐腐食性ニッケルメッキ、温度監視用の内蔵温度センサーを搭載し、高水準の冷却性能を提供します。TT RGB Plusに対応し、1680万色のイルミネーションを実現します。
  10. RGB full-cover water block designed for AMD Radeon RX 5700 Series and supports the TT RGB PLUS software.
  11. RGB full-cover water block designed for RTX 2070 Super – Asus Turbo edition and supports the TT RGB PLUS software.
  12. The Floe DX RGB all-in-one liquid cooler comes with an addressable 16.8M color LED water block and PWM controlled patented Riing Duo RGB fans. The cooler can be controlled by TT RGB PLUS and Thermaltake's latest light editing software-NeonMaker, allowing you to adjust each LED individually giving you the fun of full customization.
  13. The Floe DX RGB all-in-one liquid cooler comes with an addressable 16.8M color LED water block and PWM controlled patented Riing Duo RGB fans. The cooler can be controlled by TT RGB PLUS and Thermaltake's latest light editing software-NeonMaker, allowing you to adjust each LED individually giving you the fun of full customization.
  14. The Floe DX RGB all-in-one liquid cooler comes with an addressable 16.8M color LED water block and PWM controlled patented Riing Duo RGB fans. The cooler can be controlled by TT RGB PLUS and Thermaltake's latest light editing software-NeonMaker, allowing you to adjust each LED individually giving you the fun of full customization.
  15. Software controlled 240mm liquid cooler with 16.8M colors LED waterblock, patented Riing Plus RGB fans and PWM function.

表示方法 リスト

